Our Expert Staff

WRA’s team of experts has three decades of working where decisions are made, sweating the details, creating evidence-based solutions, and holding decision makers accountable.

Aaron Kressig standing in front of a green background

Aaron Kressig

Transportation Electrification Manager


Clean Energy

Office Location

Denver, Colorado

Area of Focus

As Transportation Electrification Manager, Aaron leads WRA’s work across the region to develop and implement policies which will accelerate the widespread adoption of electric vehicles and other technologies with the potential to significantly reduce emissions from the transportation sector. His work focuses on securing policies and plans which will maximize the environmental and economic benefits that electrified transportation can offer the intermountain West. Aaron is based in Denver but works on transportation electrification policies across all of WRA’s states.


Originally from Missouri, Aaron has spent his professional career studying electricity systems, focusing on policies and regulations which help transition society to cleaner and more affordable energy. Prior to leading WRA’s Transportation Electrification work, Aaron worked at WRA as a flexible grid analyst, analyzing policies and regulations effecting emerging ‘grid-edge’ technologies. Prior to joining WRA, Aaron worked as a Research Analyst for the World Resources Institute based in Washington D.C. where he helped lead the development of several energy data products which sought to better understand the relationship between electrical generation and its impact on the environment and economic development.


  • Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Geography from the University of Missouri
  • Master of Arts in Global Environmental Policy from American University

Favorite thing about the West

The proximity to world class backpacking and pristine wilderness.

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