Supporting Diverse Communities & Working in Coalitions
Across the West, people are living the climate crisis and are affected daily by extreme drought, wildfires, and air pollution. Poll after poll shows that Westerners agree we need strong action to address the impacts of climate change.
While every person is impacted by the changing climate, Black, Indigenous, Latino/Latina, Asian, multiracial, and biracial communities bear a far higher burden because of exposure to toxic co-pollutants, environmental racism, exclusion from decision making, and economic uncertainty.
WRA works across the region to reduce carbon emissions in line with the scientific consensus of what is necessary to prevent catastrophic warming. We are committed to working with advocates in environmental justice, conservation, health, and business to make meaningful progress on reaching the Interior West’s near-term climate goals. In addition, we work closely with state and regional utilities, regulatory bodies, government agencies and academic organizations to advance our goals of clean energy, water, transportation, and air.
At WRA, we know that when we protect the health of the environment, we also protect the health and well-being of communities that rely on it for their lives and livelihoods. We believe it is vital to build relationships with a broad group of allies to ensure the laws and rules we work hard to pass are implemented. If you are interested in learning more about partnering with WRA, please reach out to Maria Nájera, Government Affairs Director.

Our Partners and Coalitions
- Advanced Energy United (AEU)
- American Lung Association
- American Rivers
- Arizona Heritage Alliance
- Arizona PIRG
- Audubon Arizona
- Black Mesa Trust
- Business For Water Stewardship
- Ceres
- Chispa AZ
- Diné Citizens Against Ruining of Our Environment (CARE)
- Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
- Grand Canyon Trust
- Interwest Energy Alliance
- Mi Familia Vota
- Rural Arizona Action
- Sierra Club – Grand Canyon Chapter
- Solar United Neighbors
- Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP)
- TE Activator
- Tó Nizhóní Ání
- The Arizona Council of Trout Unlimited (AZTU)
- The Nature Conservancy
- Vote Solar
- Water for Arizona
- Western Grid Group
- Wildfire Arizona
- Advanced Energy United (AEU)
- American Rivers
- American Whitewater
- Audubon Rockies
- Bell Policy Center
- Blue Green Alliance
- Business For Water Stewardship
- Colorado Climate Action Now
- Colorado Community Action Association
- Colorado Fiscal Institute
- Colorado People’s Alliance (COPA)
- Colorado Trout Unlimited
- Conservation Colorado
- Continental Divide Trail Coalition
- E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs)
- EarthJustice
- Earthworks
- Energy Outreach Colorado
- Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
- Green Latinos
- Grid Alternatives
- Healthier Air and Water Colorado
- Hispanics Enjoying Camping Hunting and the Outdoors (HECHO)
- Interwest Energy Alliance
- Keep it Colorado
- League of Women Voters (LWV)
- Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
- Rocky Mountain Wild
- Sierra Club
- Signal Tech Coalition
- Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP)
- The Nature Conservancy
- Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
- Water for Colorado
- Western Slope Conservation Center
- Womxn from the Mountain
New Mexico
- New Mexico
- Amigos Bravos
- Audubon New Mexico
- Climate Advocates Voces Unidas (CAVA)
- Coalition for Clean Affordable Energy (CCAE)
- Center for Civic Policy (CCP)
- Conservation Voters New Mexico (CVNM)
- Diné Citizens Against Ruining Our Environment (CARE)
- E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs)
- Earthworks
- Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)
- Gila Resources Information Project/Gila Conservation Coalition
- Healthy Climate NM
- Interwest Energy Alliance
- League of Women Voter (LWV)
- Moms Clean Air Force
- Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
- Naeva
- New Mexico Environmental Law Center
- New Mexico Wilderness Alliance
- New Mexico Wildlife Federation
- NM Clean Cars Clean Air
- NM Interfaith Power and Light
- Nuestra Tierra
- OLÉ Education Fund
- Policy Solutions Institute
- Power4NewMexico
- ProgressNOW New Mexico
- Prosperity Works
- San Juan Citizens Alliance
- Santa Fe Green Chamber
- Sierra Club – Rio Grande Chapter
- Somos Un Pueblo Unido
- Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP)
- Southwest Native Cultures
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Wilderness Society
- Tó Nizhóní Ání
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- Vote Solar
- Western Clean Energy Campaign
- Western Environmental Law Center
- Advanced Energy United
- American Lung Association
- Battle Born Progress
- Blue Green Alliance
- Ceres, Inc.
- Chispa Nevada
- Caring, Helping Restoring Lives (CHR, Inc)
- E2 (Environmental Entrepreneurs)
- Environmental Defence Fund (EDF)
- Faith Organizing Alliance
- Interwest Energy Alliance
- Make the Road Nevada
- Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
- Nevada Bighorns Unlimited
- Nevada Conservation League (NCL)
- Nevada Wildlife Federation
- Plug In America
- Protect Our Winters
- Sierra Club
- Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP)
- The Electrification Coalition
- The Nature Conservancy
- The Pew Charitable Trusts
- Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
- Vote Solar