Donors to WRA know that threats to our land, air, water, and climate are big, complex, and interconnected, and that success depends on the support and inclusion of all communities in our region.
WRA has never shied away from seeking solutions to the complex environmental challenges we face as a region — thanks to donor support, we are making real progress on many fronts. Our supporters, advocates, and partners are part of the generative story of our time – of people rising to our best humanity to shape a more hopeful future.

Why Others Give to WRA
We Get Things Done
I give to WRA because of their fantastic team. From Jon on down, WRA has some of the best and brightest minds when it comes to tackling environmental and climate issues.
“I give to WRA because no other organization in the Interior West tackles the breadth and depth of conservation issues that are important to me. I know when I invest in WRA, I’m investing in regional impact that matters.”
Maria N., Colorado
“I donate to WRA because I am inspired by the staff’s work ethic, procedural understanding, subject matter knowledge, and passion to ensure that communities can thrive alongside our beautiful natural resources. WRA fills an integral role in the Intermountain West and I have witnessed policy results that would not have been adopted if not for its influence.”
Matt R., Nevada
“WRA is a proven and respected leader in protecting wildlife and the wild places they depend upon. Their leadership aligns beautifully with the Wilburforce Foundation’s primary focus to safeguard the irreplaceable lands, waters, and wildlife of the West. We are happy to support and empower environmental advocates like WRA and its expert staff who are committed to science-driven, collaborative conservation efforts and sustainable policies. WRA’s accomplishments will have meaningful and enduring impacts on our natural ecosystems for years to come.”
Denise J., Wilburforce Foundation, Washington
For the Future
We have three young kids and giving them a healthy and beautiful world is important to us. We believe climate change is the greatest threat to their future and we want to do something to be part of the solution. We researched buying solar panels, but realized we could leverage our money more effectively by donating to WRA. Sharing our good fortune with others is a value we want to teach our kids.
“From my house, I can look out to the west for miles and watch the sunset. When I guide groups of 4th graders on snowshoes or summer wildflower tours, they are utterly engrossed in the world around them, and I know that I am passing on my beliefs to the next generation. That is an immense privilege and responsibility. Supporting experts who track policy developments closely, build alliances to oppose exploitation, and fight hard in court is the best way I can imagine of safeguarding what I hold dear.”
Richard M., Utah
“It is my hope to encourage others to be aware of our symbiotic relationship to the natural world and mindful of the opportunity we have for thoughtful, collective stewardship. Using my art both to promote appreciation of our natural world and donate to WRA helps me feel like I am making meaningful contributions to the well-being of the West and its natural treasures.”
Sascha R., Colorado
“WRA and the Chrest Foundation share a commitment to confront climate change head on through the rapid reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. WRA’s advocacy, communications, and public awareness efforts have been critical toward accelerating the transition to clean energy in the West. The Chrest Foundation is proud to support WRA’s Climate Fix and be a partner in creating a future where western communities thrive.”
Chrest Foundation, Texas

Business & Workplace Giving
My company chooses to give to WRA as part of our 1% for the Planet contributions because we’re really excited about their work securing coal power plant retirements. We think it’s one of the most cost-effective ways to combat climate change.
“As an employee, it is my pleasure to give to WRA, a reputed and on-the-ground advocacy organization in the West that is actively committed to tackling climate change. This multi-resource (air, water, and land) effort speaks to a holistic approach that is essential in today’s context of a constantly evolving natural system. Giving back to an organization that supports my professional goals of advancing a regional electricity market is my way to not take my employer for granted and show my commitment to the larger effort.”
Vijay S., Utah
“Protecting the land, air, and water of the West is an important cause that hits close to the home of SCARPA North America in Boulder, Colorado. Sustainability and protecting the planet guides our way of doing business, so it is a natural fit for SCARPA to support WRA, whose work is driven by the same values. We are proud to stand behind WRA’s efforts to find solutions that will create healthier communities, as we get to see and benefit from the positive impact they have on our region.”
Stefanie K., SCARPA, Colorado
“FirstBank is a proud supporter of WRA and their efforts to protect the West’s land, air, and water. As an organization that aims to be more planet-conscience and put people ahead of profits, we value our partnership with them and their work to improve the health of local communities and the planet. They help us put the “good” in “banking for good” and we could not imagine a better alignment given our mission and vision.”
Dave P., FirstBank, Colorado