Since our very first date, we’ve spent much of our time in the great outdoors, enjoying the beauty of the west. When we met in college several decades ago, we couldn’t have imagined we’d be hiking together one day, let alone be married! We support WRA because we believe it is one of the most effective and solution-oriented resource advocates around. We love that our gifts are used to advocate for and protect the spectacular riverways and mountains that we enjoy, and that we hope to help preserve for future generations.
WRA fights climate change and its impacts to sustain the environment, economy, and people of the West.
We respect the different needs of diverse people and partner with them to develop a shared vision for progress — one that advances communities while protecting biodiversity. Our team of policy experts, scientists, economists, and attorneys has a 30-year history of working where decisions are made, sweating the details, creating evidence-based solutions, and holding decision makers accountable. This on-the-ground work with policymakers and other advocates advanced clean energy, protects air, land, water, and wildlife — and sustains the lives and livelihoods of the West.