
Fracking Our Future Report

Fracking Our Future: Measuring Water and Community Impacts from Hydraulic Fracturing

This timely report addresses the questions, “How much water is required for new production, such as through the process of hydraulic fracturing, and where will that water come from?” Colorado is a semi-arid state with limited water resources that must be shared by a wide variety of water users. Western Resource Advocates (WRA) — along with communities, businesses, institutions, and citizens throughout the state — have concerns about water needs for oil and gas development and the potential impacts and tradeoffs that must be addressed.

In addition, the report provides specific conservation and safety recommendations that decision-makers can use in creating policies to make sure that Colorado’s water resources are properly managed along with oil and gas development.

“As we’ve seen in Colorado and in communities across the country, fracking is increasingly encroaching on homes and schools, and bringing with it serious health concerns.”
—Congressman Jared Polis (D-CO), calling on the Environmental Protection Agency to create new rules for fracking pollution, April 16, 2012.

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