Conservation Synergy: The Case for Integrating Water and Energy Efficiency Programs
The nexus between water and energy has been understood for several years, yet only a handful of utilities have fully capitalized on this knowledge by combining their efficiency programs. Utilities that have collaborated have overwhelmingly found such programs to be a good business decision. The benefits are manifold: higher participation rates, increased customer satisfaction, coordinated and complementary program design, and an improved reputation from working smarter, not harder. This report articulates the reasons for, and the pathways by which, utilities can achieve a conservation synergy.
The process of collaboration among utilities is presented in the report in four steps, distilled from research and interviews with utility staff and efficiency experts across the West. Examples of collaborative programs include joint communications, rebates, audits, and building efficiency upgrades. Case studies of each type are included in the report. Also highlighted is an informational pamphlet about saving water and energy that can be adopted at no cost by utilities and distributed to customers.