Anyone can make a planned gift, of any amount, at any age. Planned gifts don’t cost anything today or during your lifetime, and in most cases, you can make changes to your planned gift. Planning secures a future for yourself, the ones you love, and the causes you care about.
There are many ways to make a planned gift! Some of the easiest ways are through your estate plans or by designating WRA as a beneficiary on your retirement account or life insurance plan. Learn more about making a planned gift to WRA. Better yet, contact Theresa Bushman at 720-763-3727 or Thank you!
“When I think of making sure the West’s legacy and its unique treasures are protected now and for future generations, at the top of my list is Western Resource Advocates (WRA). WRA’s team of economists, scientists, and legal and policy experts has consistently demonstrated over the past 30 years that they have the vision, know-how, strategic chops, and perseverance to soundly guide the future of the West. The best part is all I need to do is put my intention in my Will and alert WRA to expect a gift someday in the future. For now, I can rest knowing the West is in good hands long after I am gone.”<br />