October 20, 2021
Western Resource Advocates today celebrated Governor Polis and his administration’s designation of Colorado’s newest state park at Sweetwater Lake. Creating new state parks is an important tool states can pursue to reach local conservation goals, protect and connect vital wildlife habitat, and support national 30×30 conservation efforts.
“Expanding and enhancing safeguards for new landscapes is crucial to protecting 30% of land and water by 2030,” said Andre Miller, Western Resource Advocates’ Western Lands policy analyst. “This new state park is a meaningful step forward in Colorado’s efforts to conserve the state’s natural areas and wildlife habitat, and we applaud the Polis administration and state agencies for their leadership. In the face of the climate and nature crises, further action is urgently needed to protect the state’s treasured landscapes, prevent massive biodiversity loss, and preserve Coloradans’ way of life. It’s time for Colorado to adopt a 30×30 goal and develop a state conservation plan to get there.”
WRA and Conservation Colorado in 2020 released the Colorado Pathways to 30×30 report, which highlights the state’s opportunity to lead the way in achieving the international, science-based imperative of protecting 30×30, including through the creation of new state parks.
Coloradans overwhelmingly support efforts to conserve natural areas. The 2021 State of the Rockies poll found that 81% of Coloradans support a national goal of protecting 30% of America’s lands and oceans by 2030.
Jamie Trafficanda, 720-763-3737, jamie@westernresources.org