Annual Reports


Where We Work

WRA works across seven states in the Interior West to protect our climate, land, air, and water. Our six offices serve as hubs for our dedicated team of policy experts, scientists, economists, engineers, and attorneys to leverage our organization’s unique strengths to drive solutions on a scale commensurate with the complex issues we face.


Annual Report 2021

WRA works across seven states in the Interior West to protect our climate, land, air, and water. Our six offices serve as hubs for our dedicated team of policy experts, scientists, economists, engineers, and attorneys to leverage our organization’s unique strengths to drive solutions on a scale commensurate with the complex issues we face. 

WRA recognized early on that we achieve the best results when we focus on the venues where decisions are made — at state legislatures, within state agencies and commissions, and working directly with utilities, local governments, and municipalities. By building policy solutions that address difficult conservation problems and collaborating with diverse coalitions, councils, and task forces across the region, we are tackling the West’s most pressing challenges. And we’re winning!  

Throughout the following pages, you will learn more about our accomplishments and impact in 2021. Many of these groundbreaking achievements took multiple years, even decades, to come to fruition. But we didn’t give up.  

We are steadfast in our belief and in our commitment to a different future for the planet. When we have a smart plan, backed by science, a talented team, and dedicated supporters and partners, we can do big things.

WRA stands out for its willingness to look with clear eyes at the enormity of our climate challenge while bringing deep expertise, creativity, and a collaborative spirit to its work to advance solutions across the West.
Carrie Doyle, Principal at Big Canyon Strategies and WRA Board Member

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