Action Center

Create Climate Solutions in Your State

We can’t wait for the federal government to take climate action. States across the West are implementing climate solutions today, and WRA is here to help them do it.

We can’t wait for the federal government to take climate action.

States across the West are implementing climate solutions today, and WRA is here to help them do it.

WRA has been fighting climate change in the West for more than three decades. Regardless of the changing waters of political parties and administration, we’ve had steady success reducing emissions, cleaning up our air, conserving water, and protecting public lands.

States can and must step up when the federal government steps back from environmental protection. For example, Colorado took action after the Supreme Court gutted federal wetland protections in EPA vs Sackett. The state became the first to restore protections – a critical step towards safeguarding water quality, building resilience to climate change, and preserving wildlife habitat.

 We will move forward.

We will not shy away from the challenge of fighting climate change and its impacts. We have agency and we can, and we will, make a difference.

Join WRA in the ongoing fight


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